Eulogy by Jason’s Friend & Business Partner Gene Kiphuth

We met about 15 years ago. Jay had move here with his family from Illinois. We became friends right away sharing many common interests. We graduated from Monticello in 1992; two hair brained kids with ideas of business. An opportunity to own and operate a video store came about. So we pooled our resources and away we went to Annandale. Now if not for the help of our families this would never have come about. I'd like to make a special thank you on behalf of Jason and myself to Steve and Linda Ray, and our grandfathers Gordon and Lewis. Without your help Jay and I may have never become great friends, and build the great relationship we had. Or even met the wonderful people we have.
Jay played a big role in my first long term relationship. He got the ball rolling setting us up for the most part on our first date. I'll always be thankful for the impact that had on me. She was a great woman. Without Jason we may never have dated.
Now after all these years it’s time to reflect as we sit here today. Who was Jason and how we remember him. Well for me it’s simple. He was a great man to know. If you needed help he’d help. If you wanted to do something he’d be there. His heart always seemed to be in the right place. He was a very gentle guy you could always count on.
I’ll always be inspired by the ideas he would have. He’d bounce things off me often. Asking what I thought most times these were great ideas. I was always impressed. He was definitely creative and resourceful in all his endeavors.
Just a month ago I called him and asked if he could do me a favor for our bowling team headed to the national tournament. The owner of the bowling alley wanted us to be the River City Ducks, but we needed a logo. So I described what i was after. I told him an angry tough looking duck with a bowling ball puffing on a stogie. The next morning at he had the vision I described. He gave the picture to me and said how about this. I replied that’s perfect. That logo is the log we will be using on our shirts. With Jay’s initials on the bowling ball.
Jay didn’t seem scared of much in life. He was loved by many as you can see here today. We last talked the Friday before the accident. I asked him what he was doing with his weekend as I often did. He said he was going kayaking I replied with see you Monday morning man have fun. So now I change these comments to my friend and say I’ll see you again someday.
Thank you for everything Jason we’ll miss, remember, and love you forever!